These pictures were taken last summer at Firestone Park.
Every day last summer, I made a habit of checking the playground and the splash pad at Firestone Park for trash. It's such a beautiful park, I wanted it to look nice.
One morning, I found broken glass on the splash pad where little kids would soon be running around with bare feet! Clear glass you couldn't see if the sprinklers were on! I couldn't believe my eyes! Who would do such a mean thing to try to hurt young children?
I quickly started sweeping up the glass before anyone arrived. A mother and her two kids pulled into the parking lot, and I warned them of the glass. They were kind enough to help me find all the pieces so I could sweep them up.
I have a dustpan and broom attached to my trash cart just for sweeping up glass. A piece of glass cut my dog's nose and started me on my trash journey, so I am happy to find it before a dog or child does. To date, I have swept up 550 piles of broken glass.
I get excited when I find glass bottles that are not broken. Sweeping up glass is very hard on my hips. If I didn't have to bend over, it wouldn't hurt, but I there's no other way to clean it up.
Keep Akron Beautiful gave me a big broom with an attached dustpan that I could use without bending over, but it was too big to attach to my cart.
This works, and thank goodness, I don't find much glass anymore. I still find a lot of glass bottles that are not broken yet. I love it when I find a bottle I can pick up, one that doesn't need swept up!
The thing about glass . . . it has to be picked up. It won't ever go away if it's not picked up. I read that it takes 4,000 years for a glass bottle to decompose in the environment! That's why there was so much broken glass at first, and not so much now. It's because the broken glass I found on the sidewalks and in the streets could have been there for years.
So picking up trash really does make a difference. If it seems like it doesn't really help, because people continue to litter, you are wrong. It does make a difference. New trash is easy to pick up. Trash that is half buried in the dirt is very hard to pick up.
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