Nails, screws and bolts on the road
I cleaned up trash on all four corners of Arlington and Archwood, and I found 22 nails in the road that one afternoon! How crazy is that?
When I find a nail, screw or bolt, I pick it up and put in in the front of my fanny pack. When I get home, I put all the nails in a big jar so I can see how many flat tires of have prevented. Since September 1, 2023, I have picked up 126 nails, screws and bolts! That would have cost $3,276 to patch 126 tires. If the tires were not patchable, it would have cost a whole lot more to replace tires.
I don't know why there were so many here. I thought the City of Akron swept the streets, but maybe not. At least I didn't get a flat tire.
My tire pressure light came on and I had air put in it. The next day, the tire pressure light was on again, so something was in my tire. Luckily, I didn't have a blow out, leaving me stranded on the side of the road. It was a slow leak as the air escaped around the nail.
How do nails happen to be on the road? They can fall off construction vehicles, and they can purposely be thrown on the road as an act of vandalism. I think 22 nails at one intersection had to be on purpose. So how about the Akron Police catch the kids throwing nails on the road and make them pick up a couple thousand nails from a parking lot? Then maybe they would realize how hard they are to pick up. And if they happen to step on one, they might not do this anymore.
The nail was in my rear tire, and I read that lots of times the front tire kicks up the nail and then it sticks in the rear tire. If I wasn't so mad about the $26 I had to pay to fix my tire, I might think the placement of the nail was pretty cool! Could it have been any more centered?
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