Tonight, I continued where I left off yesterday, but I went north on Brown instead of west on Lover's Lane.  I thought maybe I could walk around the block, but that sure didn't happen.

This spot is at Brown & Morgan.  In 14 minutes, I picked up 216 pieces of trash on both sides of this fence.  But it got dark too soon.  I picked up 1,287 pieces tonight, so I'm really happy with that, but I'll be SO glad when it doesn't get dark so early.  I never want to quit in just one hour.  (I sure never thought I'd say something like that!)

Here's how it looks now.  The pictures really do not show how bad it looked and how good it looks now. 

I picked up all that trash, two broken bottles, a milk jug. and all kinds of car parts.  Again, people were staring at me, like "What the heck is she doing?  Nobody cares!"

The thing is, I believe people do care.  They just don't know it yet.  Clean areas give the impression that the people who live here care about their neighborhood.  Nice neighborhoods are always clean, nasty neighborhoods are always trashy.  

With so many people walking around, it's so much safer when clean.  Who wants to walk around on broken glass and stuff sticking to your shoes? 

I am so excited about tomorrow!  I'm going to Bedford Heights to clean two busy streets:  Perkins and Richmond Road.  The government offices are on Perkins and my new office is on Richmond Road.  When I was there this week, I noticed it needs some attention.  I think I can get done in three hours.

I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.  Wish me luck!



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