Yesterday, my son and I went to the Ido Restaurant on Main Street.  It's my favorite restaurant.  Depending on what you order, it can be expensive, but the food is amazing.  

This restaurant is on Ido Street.  I don't even see the name on the outside, so a lot of people don't know it's there.  Unfortunately, it's located right beside the Dollar Store.  The parking lot at the Ido Restaurant is always clean, and the parking lot at the Dollar Store is always a mess.

The Ido Restaurant gets very busy on Saturday nights, so I told my son he might want to park at the Dollar Store.  He pulled into the Dollar Store parking lot, and he made a face.  "Mom," he said nervously, "Is it safe to park here?  It doesn't look safe.  Will my car still be here when we come out?"  I told him it would be okay.  But isn't that funny that trash makes an area look unsafe.

So today, I went to the Dollar Store first thing.   I told my son that even though it looked really bad, it usually looks much worse.   The last time I picked up trash here was a week or so ago, and I picked up over 1,000 pieces.  Today, I picked up 761 pieces in 45 minutes.  So I was right.  It wasn't as bad as it usually is, but it was still pretty awful.

If the Ido Restaurant can keep their parking lot clean, I don't understand why the Dollar Store can't keep their parking lot clean.

If the Ido Restaurant parking lot looked like the Dollar Store parking lot, I'm pretty sure I would not eat there, and I'm pretty sure the Ido manager knows that.

I left there and went to the exit ramp from Route 8 to Wilbeth Road.  I cleaned that up, and then continued down Wilbeth Road by the bank and the laundromat and the football field.

I continued up Wilbeth Road, and when I got to the light at Virginia, what a mess!  

I have 15 routes, so I should clean every area about every 15 days.  I expected to see trash, but not this much.  There was broken glass, lots of fast food wrappers, styrofoam cups, pop cans and condom and condom wrappers.  (The light at Wilbeth & Virginia seems pretty long, but I didn't think it was that long.)

I found a piece of a $20 bill that had been run over by a lawn mower.  Too bad I didn't find the rest of it.

I picked up 2,311 pieces of trash today, so I'm at 630,000 pieces, on track to reach one million in the spring.  

I'm so happy that I slowed down.  My hand doesn't hurt at all any more, so 2,000 to 3,000 pieces a day must be just about right.


  1. Wow that is so amazing you pick up that much trash a day and you think that’s not very much! Thank you Debbie for caring so much! Debby

  2. Very nice. We like the ido but we forget about it nice work, as always Debbie.


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