I never know what kind of adventure I'll get myself into when I pick up trash.  I was so excited to finally get my neon green t-shirts printed.  I will pass them out to ladies who want to help me pick up trash.  Won't it be fun, seeing all these little green people keeping Akron clean!

Last summer, I doodled this little person pulling a trash cart, and I sent it to Keep Akron Beautiful, thinking it would make a great logo for signs to spread the word about picking up trash and not littering.

Then I had a vision to create a t-shirt that would make people easy to see without having to wear a vest.  I wear my vest when I'm near the freeway, but I can't get to my phone very easy, so I don't wear it all the time.

This neon green t-shirt will be fun to wear.

I've been giving away brand new trash grabbers, cut-resistant gloves and special buckets to anyone who wants to help.  Now, I'll have t-shirts too.

The only thing I ask in return is that they text me with their numbers.  I'm keeping track of the number of pieces my teammates pick up, and I tell everyone, "It doesn't matter if you pick up one piece or a thousand pieces!  Just join in!"

Today, I continued on Wilbeth from Arlington to Virginia.  I did Wilbeth from the freeway to Virginia on Sunday, so tonight completed the east side of Wilbeth Road.  I was happy to see very little trash on Virginia.

A man stopped at the light asked me how many pieces I was up to.  I told him, "630,000!!!"  I love it when people ask me how close I am to my one-million piece goal.

I picked up 2024 pieces of trash tonight.  I always write my number down when I get in the car, and I looked at that number a couple of times before I realized it was the year!  How funny is that?  I've never picked up the year before.

Just east of Virginia, I found a door!  Yes, a door!  How can anybody lose a door?  I thought the guy who lost his pants was incredible! 

I pushed my trash cart off the sidewalk and checked the door to see how heavy it was.  I was hoping it was one of those hollow bedroom doors.  No.  It was a solid door.  Very heavy.

I hated to leave it lay there.  All the rest of the street looked so nice, and who knows how long it would lay there.

So I carried it, a few steps at a time all the way to the nearest dumpster.  It was SO HOT!  But here's the funny part.

I thought I heard someone say, "Do you need some help?"   

Do you know how someone walking in the desert thinks they see water?  I guess it was a mirage. I set the door down and turned to see who was talking to me.  There was a very strong-looking man, about 30 years old, coming down his driveway.  He turned to the left and kept on walking!  I thought I was going to cry!  How could he not see I needed help?

That made me even more determined to make it to the dumpster, and I did.

What a great day!  Any time I am challenged, and I succeed, and I always succeed, I feel so good about myself.


  1. You are such a godsend Debbie! That is amazing you could move that door. Not many people would consider that! Way to go!🎉

  2. Great job, Debbie! You are amazing! Joyce

  3. I love your shirts. Very colorful and people will notice them. Great job, Debbie. You never give up.

  4. I hope you keep a list of the oddest things you find. The door will definitely go on the list!
    - jaimi


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