My friend, Tom, called me at 4:30 and said, "Debbie, don't go out tonight.  It's too hot.  I went out for 15 minutes.  Thought I was going to die!"  I told him I go out later, not when the sun is really hot.

So at 6:30, it was pouring down rain.  I went out anyway and waited for the rain to slow down.  I wanted to clean up the football field on Wilbeth Road.  I saw lots of beer cans there earlier today.

I saw a full rainbow!  There's nothing in this world more beautiful than a full rainbow.

I knew when I was headed for the football field that there might be a rainbow.  Whenever the sky is crazy looking on one side, there's usually a rainbow on the other.

Isn't that really kind of the way life is?

The rain came down so hard that it flooded many areas, and I didn't notice until water was up to my ankles.  

Don't you hate wet feet?  I sure do.  Squish, Squish, Squish.  

I was smart enough not to walk in the water on the parking lot, but the grass was also flooded.  I wasn't smart enough to avoid that.

At the football field, I found this thing, and it had a blinking red light.  What do you think it is?  

I hesitated picking it up for a few seconds.  I was afraid it might explode, but it didn't do anything but blink, so I picked it up and put it in my trash bag.

And my trash bag didn't explode, so I guess it wasn't dangerous.

I picked up 27 aluminum beer bottles in the football field!  Must have been quite a party!

They always have the caps on, and they are always about 1/3 full of beer.  I have to unscrew the top, pour out the beer, and squash the bottle.  Even squashed, I filled my recycle bin tonight.

After cleaning the football field, I headed east on Wilbeth Road, and three men packed into a tiny Volkswagen bug pulled over to talk to me.  I couldn't really hear what they were saying with all the traffic noise, but I heard one say "beautiful."  I shook my head and said, "It really does look beautiful, doesn't it?"  And I motioned back at the football field.

The guy in the passenger seat said, "No, you!  You are beautiful!"  I just said thank you, and kept on picking up trash.  Goodness!  That was totally weird!

On my way back to my car, I picked up all the trash in this courtyard, and I noticed a flimsy trash bag overflowing with pop cans, fast food wrappers and diapers.  

As much as it grossed me out, I went ahead and picked it up and headed for my trash cart.  

The door opened, and a woman said, "What are you doing?"  

I told her, "I'll take your trash to the dumpster."  

She said, "No, we can do that."  

So I put it back.

The door closed, and then the door opened again, and a tiny little person about 3 years old came running out with two KoolAid Jammers, Grape flavor!

She smiled real big and said, "Don't get dehydrated!"  

How on earth could a tiny little person like that know such a big word?

I took the drinks and said "Thank you so much!"

People are nice everywhere I go.


  1. So good you are meeting nice people! They so appreciate you😊

  2. Seeing a rainbow is a symbol of hope and happiness! I love rainbows! I saw one tonight too. Joyce

  3. It’s Jaimi- my favorite part of hearing how you see beauty around you and reveal it by cleaning up the trash. And then other people see beauty IN YOU for who you are and what you do. That little girl sounds adorable!

  4. Imagine if you took the advice of some and didn't go out into "bad neighborhoods". You'd never get to meet all these nice people.


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