Picking up trash was pretty miserable tonight.  When people hear that I'm "picking up trash," they immediately jump to the conclusion that it's gross and messy and stinky.  And that would have been very true tonight.

I started picking up trash off Virginia, because I drove by last night, and it looked pretty bad.  And it was pretty bad.  Most of the trash was mowed over.  I hate that.

This area is so pretty when it's not all trashed up.  I don't know why the people who live around here don't try to keep it clean  It wouldn't take more than a few minutes a day.
I found somebody's plumbing on the sidewalk.  Never found plumbing before.  There's even a faucet on the end.

That was a nasty thing to carry around with me.

I cleaned all the way down a big hill.  There was broken glass on every sidewalk square again, and something dead.  It smelled so bad, I could hardly breathe.  And I found a blue condom on the sidewalk.  Didn't know they came in colors.  Don't really want to know such things.  And don't understand why it was on the sidewalk.  (There's no picture.  Ick!)

This is what it looked like down one side and up the other.  Not just litter, it's an absolute dumping ground.

After I got the west side cleaned, a herd of kids came walking down the hill wrapped in towels and wearing bathing suits.  I don't know who had a pool, but oh my goodness, I'm so glad I cleaned up all that broken glass.

And a woman and her son walking by thanked me for what I'm doing.  She said she sees me everywhere.  That was very nice.  This area would be scary if it wasn't for a constant stream of walkers and cars. 

Walking up this hill with my heavy trash cart was not fun, and I only picked up 1,275 pieces tonight, but I'm so glad I cleaned this area now that I know kids are walking by.

Tomorrow will be a better day.  I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to fall and winter.  I've had about all the summer I can stand.


  1. Me too about the summer. The heat makes me feel ill. There was a mess!

  2. Thank you for taking the after photos though. That shows what it's all worth.

  3. It’s Jaimi- sounds like one of the nights that it just takes grit to make yourself clean up the icky stuff. However , like you said it’s so worth it when you literally see the reason you do this, walking down the street free from glass!


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