Tonight, I went back to Lover's Lane & Brown, you know, the area that someone had worked so hard to clean a week or so ago?  Well, it was all trashed up again.

I picked up 1,823 pieces of trash around one block.  I couldn't see this cup from the sidewalk, and I couldn't smell it, but I could sense it.  

I went around to the back of this bush, and there it was!

I had to get down on my hands and knees to get this one out of the bushes.
This confused me.  

So people are walking down the sidewalk drinking their pop, and they don't want to litter two cups, so they push them together to make it look like one?  Seriously?

This scene was almost pretty.
This one was hanging upside down in the bushes.  People who live in this area are very creative.
But whoever bought 95 lottery tickets has a whole lot more money than I do!  

Can you believe this?  I pulled them out of the weeds.  What a mess!

And I discovered something tonight I didn't know before . . . a plastic bag can run faster than I can!

This white bag was caught on a fence.  I put it in my bucket.  It blew out.  I ran after it.  Down the sidewalk, across the road, down the other sidewalk, and then I gave up.

So I walked back to my trash cart and finished what I was doing, and that little stinker was stuck to a bush by my car!  I think it was teasing me!

I had fun tonight.


  1. It’s Jaimi- what a ton of lottery trash!!!

  2. So rude of someone to scratch their lottery tickets and then toss on the ground! Thanks Debbie for cleaning it up!😀 Debby

  3. Bags (and papers) can run faster than us! Glad you finally got it! I am smiling.


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