I did not want to pick up trash tonight.  Last night was so hot, but I didn't have a good reason not to, so I went out.  

The first area was clean.  The second area was also clean.  The third area was Lover's Lane & Brown, almost always in need of attention.  

So I parked my car, dragging a little, and then I saw these sweet little boys with their trash grabber and bucket, the items I gave their mother last summer!  

What a joy to see them greet me like that!  

They cleaned this whole corner, and I headed to the other end.

I love little helpers!

At the other end, the bushes were recently cut back to reveal all the trash there.  What a big mess! 

I started picking up all this trash the way I always do, one piece at a time, and all of a sudden, I heard such a ruckus!  There was a young man on a bicycle up by the taco truck crying and wailing.  I couldn't make out what he was saying, but it was very scary.  Everybody in the parking lot just stopped and stared.

I didn't know what to do, but I was afraid for all the people watching.  He was out of control.  So I called 911, and the Akron Police answered.  I said, "I'm at the corner of Lover's Lane & Brown, and there's a young man on a bicycle who seems to be in a lot of distress.  He's crying and yelling.  I think we need an officer to come see what's wrong with him before somebody gets hurt."

So I hung up, and continued cleaning this mess, but I kept an eye on the boy.  And then he rode his bicycle right toward me!  When he got a few feet from me, he got off, threw his bike down and came really close to me.  He yelled in my face, "I don't want this brain!  I can't stand it!  I am going to give my brain to you!"

Yikes!  I had no words.  

Then he started crying again and was incomprehensible.  I continued picking up trash, and he got on his bike and rode it across the street to the Circle K and was still yelling and crying over there.

I cleaned all the trash up and lingered around the parking lot, waiting for the police.  They never showed up.  (Maybe I should have called 912?  911 didn't seem to do anything.)

While I was waiting for the police, I went over to my favorite dumpster, and I couldn't believe my eyes.  LOCKED?  Now what?

I told my councilman that the dumpsters should be locked so the homeless people couldn't pull trash bags out and scatter the garbage, but fine time to listen to me!  I need this dumpster!  I usually empty my trash bag four or five times when I'm cleaning this area.

The sweet woman who works at the convenient store saw me and came running out with a key.  She unlocked the gate and let me empty my trash bag.  How amazing is that?

Still thinking the police officers were going to come, I cleaned around the taco truck and headed west on Lover's Lane where I could see if they showed up.

I had to laugh at the Godfather's pizza boxes in the bushes!  My goodness!  Such creativity!  I'm impressed!

I picked up 2,086 pieces of trash in this area, and when I was walking back up Lover's Lane, I saw these pretty flowers growing along the edge of the sidewalk.  Have you ever seen such pretty weeds?

I've been trying to learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons with my two youngest sons, Michael & Jason, and since I'm a Druid and I have the power to make flowers grow anywhere, I think I'll make flowers just like these grow in the cave we're exploring.  That will be so fun!

It's crazy that I didn't want to go out tonight . . . and it was one of the best nights yet!


  1. I hope that young man got some help. And cute little helpers.

  2. I can't believe that guy on the bike. How strange! You don't let anything stop you, though.

  3. Beyond words Debbie

  4. Yes hoping the boy did get someone to help him! Amazing it didn’t stop you!!! Debby

  5. Parents used to tell teachers that during the summer their child wouldn’t have to take their meds. Hmmm😫….and…the key lady and your helpers….love them. Susan

  6. Pretty scary that the police didn’t come. What would have happened if it was an axe murder.


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