Today, I headed toward Main Street on Firestone Boulevard.  I noticed a lot of trash on the street the last time I drove this way.

I parked my car near a dumpster, and I saw this sign that said "Trash bin for tenants only.  Surveillance cameras on 24 hours a day.  Violators will be prosecuted."  (Can you believe whoever created this crappy sign knew how to spell surveillance?  That's impressive!)

Anyway, I picked up 968 pieces of trash in this area, and I'm not worried about getting arrested.  I picked up their trash.

It was a lot of walking on a very hot day, but it looks so nice now.

I saw this liquor bottle on the sidewalk, just laying there all by itself.  

Imagine stepping on that by mistake.  You'd really go for a ride!

There was another one just like it on the street, but it was smashed.

Why do some glass bottles break and some don't?  No idea.  Some are just lucky, I guess.

I swept up a dozen piles of glass and picked up at least a dozen glass bottles that weren't broken yet.

You can't see them driving by.  You have to be on foot.

The grass in front of the Firestone Technical Center is so plush, so green.  What a shame somebody didn't notice that when they tossed this bottle from their car.

Now East Firestone Blvd looks beautiful again.  If you turn onto this street from Main Street, it will take you right to Firestone Park.  Go a little further, and it will take you right to my street.

I won't need to clean this area again until spring.  Once it's clean, it stays clean.  And once people start throwing cans and bottles out, more people throw cans and bottles out.

I didn't pick up very many pieces today, but I think I made a big impact.



  1. The sign is very interesting.

  2. That sounds like a lot of pieces of trash Debbie!!! Maybe not for you but for most of the population it is! Great job! Debby😊


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