You know how I tell you bushes hide a lot of trash?  Well, I found ALL THIS STUFF in the bushes to the left of this picture!!!  

There's a bed frame.  There's a cooler.  There's a ladder.  There's a pogo stick.  There's an office chair.  There's a water gun.  There's a Segway.  Oh my goodness!  How did all this stuff get there?  What a mess!

And what a heavy mess!  It took me eight trips to the dumpster to throw all this stuff away.  

I was really working up a sweat when a family drove in, and a woman asked me if I had any extra trash bags.  I told her I just had the one I was using, but she could throw her trash in my bag.  She said she had a LOT of trash.  I asked her where it was. I assumed it was in her car.  

She then led me to her apartment.

OMG!!!  There were at least 10 large garbage bags all ripped open, and from the look of the amount of maggots, this trash had been there for a long, long time.  Ick!  Ick!  Ick!

I told her I'd work on it, but I wouldn't get it all cleaned up in one night.  There was too much.

Before I knew it, there were three adults and seven kids helping clean this up!  We chatted as we worked.  I told them my story, and I told them, "Skunks feast on maggots.  You are so lucky a family of skunks didn't move in here."

I have absolutely no idea how they got in and out of their apartment.

Ick!!!  Ick!!!  Ick!!!

Look at it now!  Wow!

I took pictures, and the woman seemed pretty scared.  She said, "Why are you taking pictures?"  I told her, "I always take before and after pictures.  Don't worry.  I'm just a neighbor.  You're not going to get in trouble."

I don't blame her for not cleaning that mess.  Where do you start?  

She probably set a bag outside, planning on carrying it to the dumpster, and forgot.  When she looked outside, the bag was ripped open and stuff was all over the place, so she put another bag outside, and before she knew it, the mess was out of control.

In any case, she came outside with bleach, a broom and dustpan and really gave it a good cleaning.

After that was all cleaned up, I couldn't get to my car fast enough. I wanted to take three showers!  I threw away my trash bag and my gloves.  Ick!

But then I saw this big rug all crumbled up.  I shook it out a little to see if there were any big holes.  I was going to take it to the dumpster, but I thought maybe it was still usable.

I took it home, and put it in the washer.

It's clean, and there are no burn marks or holes, but it's not very nice.

I decided to put it on my front porch.  It's very soft, and I usually go out in my bare feet to drink my coffee.  I'll probably end up throwing it away, but it was worth washing to see if it was any good.  

Tonight was really good.

The reason I think tonight was really good is because I'll never have another session that is this bad.  



  1. My gosh. I think I'd get so discouraged. But sure glad the people helped you. I think that's a pretty nice rug.

  2. Wow that was a big undertaking and of course you handled it! Just beautiful Debbie! Debby


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