I saw three customers about furniture today, and I didn't get back home until after 2:00.  By the time I got all my work done, it was 6 p.m.  I almost didn't go out, but I wanted to, so I started at Wilbeth & Main.

Ever since I decided to focus on just Wilbeth Road, I've had GREAT DAYS!  Did you notice that?  

I think it's because I feel like what I'm doing is appreciated more.  I talk to wonderful people every night who seem to be fascinated with my story.

I found this burnt up bicycle pedal in the weeds!  

Can you imagine hitting that with the mower?  Or tripping over it?  Or even falling on it?  You'd need to make sure your tetanus shot was up to date!  (Mine is up to date.)

This was in the parking lot at the corner of Wilbeth & Main.  Do people think it's okay to open their car door and dump all their cigarette butts out onto the pavement?


It disgusted me until I thought about how it was going to boost my numbers!  I only had an hour, and there were 46 cigarette butts here in one easy pile!

And after I had the whole parking lot cleaned, I was walking back to my car, and I saw that someone just left.  Beside where their car was, I saw tags from some kind of shoes that cost $5, and a smashed Red Bull can.

So she went in the store, bought some shoes, came back to her car, ripped off the tags, threw them out the window, sucked down a Red Bull, and off she went?

What kind of shoes do you get for $5?  

That's just plain nuts!

I hurried up and drove to Wilbeth & Arlington, my favorite corner for incredible amounts of new trash.

There happened to be a tent set up where people were convincing my neighbors they needed new phones.  One guy was more interested in my story than buying a phone, and I don't think the people working here were very happy with me.

Well tough.  I don't know who would buy a pizza or a phone when they have to wade through garbage.  Do you?

I'm sure my efforts will help their sales.

Now both areas are clean again!

I picked up 308 pieces of trash at Wilbeth & Main, and 533 pieces of trash at Wilbeth & Arlington.  For less than an hour, 841 pieces is very good.

As I drove home, I saw that Wilbeth Road is completely clean, and I think I'll take tomorrow off.

What a great day!


  1. Too bad everyone doesn’t have manners and throw their trash away where it belongs! Thanks Debbie for all you do!!🤗 Debby


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