I drove down Wilbeth Road this afternoon to get coffee, and I noticed an area that was a mess.  So that's where I started tonight.

I noticed a man pushing a baby carriage up the sidewalk toward the dumpster.  I watched him to see what he could be doing.  No, he didn't throw his baby in the trash!  There was no baby!  It was a bag of trash!  How funny is that?

Whatever works, I guess.  At least he made the effort to throw his trash where it belongs.

This is the fence around the dumpster, right?  What kind of person hangs their trash bag on the fence instead of throwing it in the dumpster?  

How much energy did it take to heave this heavy garbage bag to the top of a six foot fence where it stuck there?  

That's just nuts.  

I had a time getting it unhooked, but I did.

There was so much trash here that I picked up 500 pieces in 30 minutes. I thought I was going to have a really good number today.

I could see all this trash in the grass driving by.

And I saw this mess on the road.  Am I the only one who saw it?  I didn't know what it was.  Maybe a bunch of fast food bags?

Oh my goodness! This was my new grossest mess yet!  It was two large pizzas, extra cheese, extra mold, extra stench!  

I couldn't hardly breath as I scraped this spoiled pizza off the pavement with my dust pan.  Ick!

I didn't get it all, but I got most of it.  The rain and the crows should pick the rest off the road.  

Guess what I'm not having for dinner tonight?  PIZZA!

I continued picking up trash to Virginia, and turned left.  There was no trash all the way down Virginia, all the way down Palmetto, and most of the way down Sylvan!  Somebody has been very busy!  I only picked up 877 pieces around the block, but what a wonderful thing that somebody is picking up trash in this area with me!

I had time left over when I got back to my car, so I went to the exit ramp from Route 8 to Wilbeth Road, and Roger had a full bag of trash.  

I picked up 224 pieces of trash on that corner and took it to my car.  Then I realized he had no trash bags.  It's bad enough when he picks up part of it.  So I walked back and gave him two trash bags.

I only picked up 1,101 pieces today, but it was a good day.  I always feel so good when I tackle a mess nobody else would. 


  1. That pizza mess was a mess.

  2. Geez! Why would someone throw out pizza! What a waste and a mess! 🙄 Joyce

  3. It’s Jaimi- I think I’d be done with pizza for a bit too!

  4. LOL-The trash bag on the fence could’ve been empty when it was attached -for others to fill. Just thinking positively.


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