I was up until 1 a.m. working on a project, so getting up to be at Main Street Barberton at 8 a.m. almost didn't happen.  I told everybody I was going, so I forced myself out the door.

What a great time it was!  They had all the supplies organized, and Melanie created street maps and passed them out.  I took one, then went back and took another one, and accidentally cleaned up another street because I turned the wrong way.

Altogether, I walked about 3 miles and picked up 174 pieces of trash!  Can you believe that?  I pick up 174 pieces of trash in one spot in Akron.  Main Street Barberton is doing an amazing thing!  

There were 18 people who showed up and picked up trash on this chilly morning.

This was my very first piece.  I was starting to think I wouldn't find anything, but I finally found a candy wrapper.
I noticed there were trash cans everywhere!  No wonder there's no litter!  People walking around the downtown area actually have a place to put their trash!

What an idea!

I found a pop can.  Just one!  

Look how lonely it looks in my recycle bin!  I usually fill up my recycle bin in one day!

I was almost done, wondering if my help was really necessary.  There was no trash to pick up.

Then I found a broken bottle on the road.  So Barberton does need me!

I cleaned all that up, and smiled all the way back to the Main Street Barberton office.

This is Shelby.  Melanie was out picking up trash.  Everybody was so nice!

I showed the group my trash cart, and they took pictures.  One guy said they are going to make up a few of these. 

I could not do what I'm doing without my trash cart, my recycle bin, my broom and dustpan, my trash grabber, my cut-resistant gloves.

I felt like I found a group of people who are just like me today!

What a great time it was.  I can't wait for the next cleanup!


  1. Like-minded people are awesome!!

  2. I was in Barberton this morning at Al’s meat market and noticed people around Lake Anna area picking up litter! It looked so beautiful! I’m happy you had a great time! 😊 Joyce


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