Tomorrow is the monthly cleanup for Main Street Barberton.  It's always the second Saturday of the month.

In December, I was the only one out there picking up trash, because it was so cold.

In January, it was cancelled, because there was snow covering the ground.  Never mind the cold, you can't pick up trash if you can't see it. 

So this month, I was determined not to cancel.  

It's supposed to snow tomorrow, so I decided to go to Barberton after work today and get started cleaning Wooster Road.  I parked at the shopping center, and headed south.

I picked up all the trash I could see, but how much do you think is under the dirty snow?

I found all kinds of crazy things, but when the snow melts, I'm sure there's a lot I missed.
Near the end of Wooster Road, before it turns west, I saw all this trash just below the sidewalk.  

I walked up and down this hill at least six times, almost broke my neck when my foot got caught in the weeds . . .

But I got most of it picked up.  

There's more I couldn't get because it was frozen to the ground. . . but that's the thing about picking up trash . . . there's always more.  

I do the best I can, and I don't worry about the rest.  I'll get it the next time.

I found a paint roller and a paint brush stuck to it.  

Must have been somebody who decided they'd had enough painting!  

Believe me, I've been there.

This corner is also just below the sidewalk, only right across the street from the other mess.  

Any time the trash gets blown in the wind and then trapped, there's usually quite a bit.

But because it's "trapped," it's easy to pick up.

Now it's all cleaned up.

I picked up 935 pieces of trash tonight in a very small area.   

When I was told Wooster Road was a mess, they weren't kidding!

If it's not snowing in the morning, I'll go back and try to finish the other end of Wooster Road, by the Rally's.

But if there's snow covering the ground, I won't feel bad.  I did my part.

Picking up trash in February is quite extraordinary.  Cars were slowing down to see what the heck I was doing. Even a police cruiser slowed down.  

But in just a couple more months, there will be volunteers with trash grabbers all over the sidewalks in Barberton.  

Just watch . . .


  1. That would be wonderful! Debby

  2. Good for you, Debbie. You worked hard. I've been picking up since the snow's melting. I'll send a total along the way.


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